Tuesday, February 19, 2013


It dawned on me today that I've never given a real, proper introduction of myself on here.

I mean...for anyone who cares.

But lately, up at school, there's been a lot of assumptions being made about me it seems. The unfortunate thing about college is often times, people's first impression of you becomes who you are in their eyes, if they don't take the time to know you.

Well, let's just say there haven't been too many people up here who have taken the time to know me.

And even those who say they know me, well, they probably don't either.

It's been really hard. I'm not going to pretend life up at school is dandy right now, because it's not. Maybe I'll write on that.

Well, assumptions are probably my biggest pet peeve. Which I realize is hypocritical, considering I know I do it too sometimes. We all do; it's a natural part of being human.

But people here are assuming a lot of things about me. They're assuming they've got me all figured out. They're assuming I'm not absolutely, inescapably, lonely up here, and that that loneliness isn't transcending every other mood and creating my behavior.

Again...more on that later.

For now, I figured maybe those assumptions would be made more clear once people take a look inside my head, and see the characteristics that define Megan Gayle Dolan. Here it goes:

1. I am spontaneous. I act on impulse. I'm not a plan ahead kind of gal. I act on whims and play everything by ear. This is also true with my emotions: extreme anger can make itself present when I'm flying high on happiness with almost no warning at all, and sometimes for the most pathetic reasons. I know that's how life just is, but I feel like my daily spontaneity is more common in me than in most. This aspect of myself sometimes creates the absolute most thrilling of memories...but it can also lead to mistakes, and, too often, illogical sadness or anger.

2. I crave human interaction. Yes, sometimes I need "me" time. Sometimes I'm way too lazy to leave my apartment and feel perfectly content watching The Vampire Diaries all night long. Heck, my Valentine this year was Netflix. But I have this inescapable craving for people. As much as I try to say they don't matter, they do. And not just that, but I want to be EVERYONE'S friend. So when I fail at doing so....well, it affects me on a deeper level than anyone can understand. When I miss out on things, I take it personally. As if my friends purposefully went "let's do this BECAUSE Megan's not here." Illogical, I know. But as you're starting to find, logic and Megan just don't have good chemistry. The only time they go together is when you want to create a science experiment with a Volcano and have it explode. (As in we're vinegar and baking soda...get it? Nevermind.) Anyway, I just want constant love from people. I want TO love people. So when I'm not given the opportunity, it stays with me for weeks.

3. I have a high water table. A common phrase people who know me have heard me say is "curse you, overactive tear ducts!" I am a crier. This seems to surprise most people who haven't known me long when they find out. But dude, I seriously am. I cry when I'm happy. I cry when I'm sad. I cry when I'm angry. (My sister Jen can understand the absolute inconvenience of this; it's impossible to yell at someone without crying, and it sucks.) The thing is, I even cry when I'm not really in any extreme emotion. Something remotely bad can happen; something that, on the inside, really doesn't upset me that much at all. But on the outside? It looks like I'm falling apart. I promise, I'm not. My tears just love to flow. Unfortunately, this has sometimes given me the all too insulting reputation of being a crybaby. Of being too sensitive. But really, most things don't get to me that much. Ask anyone who knows me really well: even the most catastrophic of events affect me for maybe a week or two. However, that does bring me to my next one.

4. I am sensitive. Okay, so I know this kind of contradicts what I JUST said. I am sensitive in both senses of the word. I'm blessed with the ability to empathize with others. This is why I think assumptions bother me so very badly. It's because, for the most part, I try to understand that most external behaviors have a deeper meaning to them. However, I am practically sensitive. I feel like most people think I'm either way too sensitive or completely insensitive. But I am a strong girl yet also fully aware of not only my emotions but those of others as well. Things don't upset me nearly as much as they seem to and I care a whole lot more about others than I sometimes let on. Which brings us to

5. I care too much. Pretty self-explanatory. It's a gift and a curse of mine that I just care so much about others. Their lives affect me. Best friends, family members.... when they hurt, I hurt. Sometimes too much to bear. They also affect me more than I will EVER admit out loud. I grow very deeply connected to people; often much more attached to them than they are to me. My attachments to people are not hard to create and they come quickly. In my experience, though, they've also been cut off abruptly and without my control. And even though I am very able to let them go, I never, and I mean ever, stop caring about them. Yes, even the guy who cheated on me, and the one who broke up with me over Facebook, and the friend who spread malicious rumors about me then never spoke to me again... I think about all of them, all the time. Even though I know I could get hit by a bus and they wouldn't notice, I care. And I don't stop. The gift of this aspect of me is it has made me a fierce, fierce friend, daughter, sister, etc. I strive so much to make them happy. But don't think I do this altruistically; I do it because I am much more happy when they are. I never STOP until they are. And when I fail, if I can't do anything...well, that affects me too.

6. I am inherently happy. My patriarchal blessing even tells me so. It tells me I will be free from prolonged periods of discouragement or disappointment, but that I will always maintain a happy, positive outlook. It's always just natural for me to be happy. I seriously feel like this is because I am so very lazy and being any other emotion for too long is so very exhausting. Plus, I have great control over my mind. When I tell myself to be happy, it's not too long before I simply am. However, since I'm not a robot, I do feel anger, and sadness, and fear, and despair, and loneliness. As I briefly alluded to before, in fact, I'm feeling some of those as my fingers pitter-patter across my keyboard. But, people typically assume I'm always okay, so unless I say so, I don't always get the help I need. What do ya know? That leads to:

7. I'm a great faker. Seriously, sometimes my acting performances simply astound me. To me, being anything but happy makes me feel extremely weak. And so, I don't like to show it to too many people. Really only God and maybe one other person of choice will know the depth of my despair when I feel it. I put on a good show when I need to, and as both Poulsen AND Dolan, I am a whopping, good ol' dose of stubbornness. Which means I really don't like asking for help. From my Father in Heaven, of course, but often times His way of helping us is through others, and sometimes I'm too stubborn to ask for or even accept that kind of help. This one is so totally my fault, but it is what it is.

8. I feel fiercely. My happiness is my go-to emotion, but because the other emotions can sometimes be rare, when I do feel them, I feel them to such a depth that even those people in that Sci-Fi movie where they dig to the core of the earth wouldn't be able to find them. A friend of mine in high school described me perfectly with those emotions "your bulb burns twice as bright for half the time." Which means, I'm never sad for long, but when I am sad, I am in complete sorrow. When I'm angry, you probably should just leave me alone for a few hours, because it's explosive.

9. I move on quickly. Like I said, I never stop caring about people, but I still move on from them. That's why I usually do things without weighing out the risk; I figure may as well live with "oh wells" than "what ifs." And even if I know I'll feel writhing anger or heartwrenching sadness for about a week when things don't work out, it'll be gone, so why not? I also forgive quickly. Sometimes, people take my forgiveness as an excuse to do it again, but what do I do? I forgive them again and again. Because I care. Because I'm kind of an idiot sometimes. Meh.

10. I love, love. I am just addicted to it. That's why I let myself fall so easily. That's why I've had so many fleeting relationships. I fall in love quickly but they don't usually feel it back. My friends and family give such valiant efforts at trying to make me have some sense of self-preservation, but what can I say? I fall, very easily. And like in number nine, I am really, really, really upset for a week or two. And then I go "time to lock my heart." Yeah, that lasts about as long as it takes for the next cute guy who's just as crazy as I am to come along and hold my hand. In high school, every time I got over one guy, I'd go "I like being single. I hate liking people. I'm not going to like people anymore." And then my friends would laugh and go "Megan, let's be real here." And they're right. I LOVE BOYZ 2 MUCH.

11. I'm a Cancer. As in the astrology sign, not the disease. Although some people might look at it that way....? Anywho, here's some stuff from an astrology website describing a cancer. I put this here because I am a VERY, VERY, stereotypical Cancer, minus one or two characteristics. Every one of these, though, is Megan to a T:

"At one point of time, you may have seen him in a typical party mood, enjoying himself and laughing at other people's jokes. He may come across as the most extroverted member in the entire group. However, another time, he may be completely introverted, sitting in a corner and lost in his own world."

"hey love to dream and for them, sky's the limit. When he cries, it is because he is deeply hurt from inside. A harsh glance or a rough tone can easily break Cancer's vulnerable heart."

"When he is hurt, he will either cry his heart out or retreat into a silent spell. "

While in a conversation, the facial features of a crab will change a number of times, displaying his numerous moods. He has a vivid imagination and at times will drown you in his moods too. Each and every experience affects him and gets engraved in his memory. Cancerians remember everything life has taught them and are true patriots. 

"Compassion and intuition gel perfectly with the Cancer profile. He seldom judges people, just soaks up what comes his way and reflects the same. He will never ever give up an object he cherishes, be it a gift from a lover or the worn jeans he loves wearing. Cancerians have a soft heart; they care about people and are quite helpful."

"Cancerian loves, rather reveres, his home and his loved ones. Too much is not even enough for him. He needs more, more security, more love and more care. Insecurity may lead him to depression and weaken him physically. However, Cancerians have this amazing quality of self-healing. All they require is happiness, optimism and laughter in large doses. "

^I should've just published that and called it good. So, very, Megan.

12. I LOVE to laugh. I feel like I should post my most redeeming qualities on here too, not just the not-so-redeeming qualities. Self-explanatory. Laughing is my absolute most favorite thing in this world, and I do it often. I laugh at a lot of things, even thangs that people don't think are funny. But what can I say? I love to do it. Watch out, though; if you make me laugh really hard, I start by laughing silently while clapping my hands like a retarded seal until squeals that sound like that of a dying guinea pig come out of my mouth. Don't say I didn't warn you.

13.  I can be pretty shallow. Yes, I love my hours worth of chats about life and dreams and love and the Gospel. But, man do I gossip. Man do I LOVE tan men with strong hands and blue eyes. (I always look at the hands!). I love my Vampire Diaries, my Pretty Little lIars, and my castle. I can have just as long of conversations about that. I can have just as long of conversations talking about girls I don't like. Yep, I can be as shallow as a kiddie pool. And yep, that IS a quote from Caroline Forbes, a character from the The Vampire Diaries. Sue me.

14. I love to write. I love it because I'm good at it. To me, it's really my only reputable talent. This also means that I sometimes have a hard time expressing things verbally because I can say them so much more eloquently in writing (although, thank you Debate, as my verbal skills have become greatly enhanced since starting high school.) As good as I am at talking, I am SO much better at putting into words that are written down. So if you want to know what i really mean, or what I'm really thinking, or feeling, just have me write you a letter. It'll work out better for both of us. I'm not usually a perfectionist in most aspects of life, but in my writing, I AM. That's why I often go so long without posting on this blog; I start something I have an idea for, but then I NEVER feel like it's finished.

Okay, in all honesty, that's all I can think of. Sorry, I realize fourteen is a super random number. How's about we even it out with some light-hearted, unequivocal trivia about me, shall we?

15. My name is Megan Gayle Dolan, and I'm the youngest of 4 children. Two sisters and a brother. My oldest siter is also married and my brother should be getting to that point soon, so I also ahve a brother-in-law and basically a sister-in-law. I have two nephews as well and they are the cutest children ever to walk this earth. I love them with my whole heart.

16. I love otters and horses.

17. My favorite colors are baby blue and orange. 

18. I get super emotional whenever I start talking about Harry Potter and the fact that I'm a part of the Harry Potter generation

19. I love to read about as much as I love to write. 

20. I can eat an entire bag of pizza rolls in one sitting. 

21. I can Pin nothing but Weddings on Pinterest for hours. seriously, I'm so pumped for marriage it's ridiculous.

22. My dreams are to a. write and publish a book and b. write for The New York Times. In case you didn't guess, my major if Journalism.

23. Nintendo 64 makes me happy. (Who doesn't it make happy?!) Diddy Kong Racing is my favorite game.

24. October Sky, rAdio, The Avengers, 500 Days of Summer, and all of The Lord of the rings and Harry Potters are my favorite movies. 

25. Instead of fairytales, my daddy read me and the sibs The Lord of the Rings as our bedtime stories when we were little. Let's just say the Dolans do things right.

26. I'm a complete daddy's girl. 

27. My favorite music includes T-Swift, Ed Sheeran, U2, The eagles, Journey, Of Monsters and Men, and Imagine Dragons. 

28. I am a proud member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 

29. I cannot, and I mean cannot, WAIT, to be a missionary. 

30. As crazy, happy, angry, illogical, imperfect, insecure, flawed, perfect, ridiculous as I may be, I always carry around the knowledge that God and Jesus christ live, they love me in my every form, and they are always, always watching over me. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

for ashtyn.

It's been a long time since I last posted. Too long. But I can no longer delay what I've been putting off the past few days.


My mom's side of the family are the Poulsens. Every Poulsen child, grandchild, and great-grandchild is unique. But we were all born with one thing that unites us:


The Poulsen fire. The fire that Ted Poulsen brought with him into the South Pacific to fight the Japanese in World War II. The fire that Gayle Birrell Poulsen used to help her cope with the loss of her newborn son, and to get her through the long nights worrying for her husband's safe return from war. The fire that gave them the courage to start a family, the reason why my mom, aunts and uncles, cousins, siblings, nephews, and cousins children are here.

Yes, every Poulsen is born with fire. And every one of us has used that to keep us burning in even the darkest of times.

But, I don't think any of us were prepared for this.

I was six years old when sweet Ashtyn Poulsen was born. She's one of my older cousin, Jason's, daughters. But in our family, cousins' kids are just as much cousins as any to us. When Ashtyn was younger, I remember her to be the sweetest little girl I had ever met. Quiet and reserved at times. She has this old soul quality, this hidden maturity that often gives her the wisdom to only speak when she has something really important to say. As she has grown, gotten a Facebook, caught the Bieber fever, entered the temple for the first time, and become more beautiful every day, she has kept that same sweetness but added to it her own special fire.  Some Poulsens' fire is explosive, volcanic. Obvious when you very first meet them. But Ashtyn is different. Special. Hers is less like a wildfire and more like the flow of molten rock deep beneath the surface of the Earth. Too deep to feel the heat of it right away, but it moves unstoppably all the same, changing the foundations of the world with its advance. This is the fire possessed by Ashtyn Susan Poulsen. 

Ashtyn became even more special on January 31, 2013, when she was diagnosed with Leukemia. Specifically, "undifferentiated" or "ambiguous" leukemia. It is a very rare, high risk form of leukemia that is neither A.L.L. or A.M.L. The doctors are putting together treatment that will treat the cancer as if it's A.M.L.

I remember my mom texting me to tell me Ashtyn was sick and in the hospital; that worst case scenario, she would have Leukemia. Of course I hoped for that not to be the case, but when she said that I somehow knew it would be. My heart broke to hear that a Spirit so pure as Ashtyn could have something so awful happen to her, at such a young age. "She's only twelve, for crying out loud!" I yelled at my roommates. I thought of how cancer took our Grandma Gayle, and Barb, and I thought, how unfair. How unfair that it is always the purest spirits that have to bear the burden of cancer.

But the immediate thought following was, of course it would be Ashtyn. Not because she's ever done anything wrong, but because she has done everything RIGHT. Only Spirits such as her can look cancer right in the face, and let it change her for only the better. It will not leave her bitter. It will not leave her in darkness, no. She will rise above it and become an even more amazing young woman than she already is. She is strong. She is loving. She is kind. She is faithful. She is full of light.

She is on fire. And her fire is the kind that can fight such a battle as the one she will now have to fight against Leukemia. And that battle is going to teach her more about the Lord and the Savior's mercy in this short period than the rest of us will know in a lifetime. While it teaches her, she in turn will teach us as a family, as well as everyone she touches with her light, the power of God's love.

Cancer should know better than to mess with a Poulsen. She is going to kick its butt! 

Ashtyn, the road looks rough ahead. There will be many bumps and bruises along the way. But as you put your faith in God and in the Savior, He will heal you. He has already felt your pain. He has already suffered your sorrow. He knows, in a way no one else will ever know, the emotions you will feel now and in other tribulations life will bring. And He will help lift you up and make you feel peace, and joy. I know things may not make sense now, and they may not make sense until the pain you experience is simply a memory. But it will. And the joy you will experience after enduring it will be something none of us can possibly imagine! It's just like one of my favorite scriptures, D&C 58: 3 says:

"Ye cannot behold with your natural eyes, for the present time, the design of your God concerning those things which shall come hereafter, and the glory which shall follow after much tribulation."

You can't even imagine, darling girl.

The Poulsens are tighter than most. We have this knowledge of how precious life is that cannot be compared, along with an unwavering faith in God. We remembered it best when our sweet grandma died (thought I wasn't alive yet at the time), and again when our sweet, firey, Grandpa Poulsen passed away. But just as humans do, we often slip back into the routine of our everyday lives and forget. Ashtyn, already, has helped us to remember. Through this trial we will never again forget to go a day without saying "thank you" and "I love you." We will always remember the importance of love, of faith, and of family. 

I'm thankful for this opportunity the Lord has given us all to learn, become better, and rely on Him. I'm thankful for the example every person in my family sets for me. I'm thankful for Ashtyn's mom, Suzanne, and for the strength and positivity she is showing for us and especially for her daughter. I'm thankful for her words of faith she's been posting since this all happened.

Most of all, I'm thankful for Ashtyn. Ashtyn, thank you for your kind Spirit you have always shown me. Thank you for helping us remember. Most of all, thank you for teach all of us what true strength and pure love is. Just lik you posted on your facebook a couple of days ago, "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." And you are going to be the strongest Poulsen yet. You've got this, baby girl!

Keep that flame burning, because it is going to set the world on fire. 

 "Don't give up. Don't you quit. you keep walking. You keep trying. There is help and happiness ahead-- a lot of it. You keep your chin up. It will be allright in the end. Trust God, and believe in good things to come. Some blessings come soon, some come late, and some don't come until Heaven. But for those who embrace the Gospel of Jesus Christ, they come." -Jeffrey R. Holland 



