Monday, March 4, 2013

summer fever.

I caught my dose of summer fever this past Friday. I didn't know I had it until then.

One of my roommates, Hannah, is from the roaring metropolis of Cokeville, Wyoming. Graduating class of Cokeville High 2012? Sixteen people. SIXTEEN.

Anywho, a lot of people from her hometown go to USU and they were having a bonfire up Green Canyon. I've got to hand it to those small town kids: they know a thing or two about fire.

She and I got a couple of the guys from our building to tag along as well. Probably two of the funniest guys I will ever meet. Anyway, the bonfire was AWESOME. It was in this little cave up the canyon. Not a big enough cave for one to go hike through or anything, but the perfect alcove for a fire. A trail of glowsticks led the way from the parking lot to the cave. (we didn't realize they were meant to mark the trail at first and almost took them....oops.) (and may or may not have taken them on our way back to the car....haha...shhh.....) The fire was massive. It was one of those  fires that made our little group of friends have to rotate our circle to prevent one person from being in the heat for too long. Because it was hot. (probably because I was there... right? right?)

The cave was up a really steep hill. Getting up was a struggle, as there was A LOT of snow on the ground, and Hannah and I were even more worried about the way down, being the clumsy, accident-prone humans that we are. Our solution? We slid on our butts down the mountain. Our wet butts were completely worth the slide; it was so fun! And we're clearly very easily entertained. I'd say life's more fun that way, though.

After the bonfire, the four of us wanted to go see a movie. We came back to the apartment to look up movies. But it was about midnight, and we forgot about the minor detail that movies don't play past ten in Logan. Right. So, we decided to look at Redbox. Well, Redbox had nothing, except for Breaking Dawn Part 2, which Hannah and I would've been fine with, but in the words of the boys "or we could take spoons and scoop out our eyeballs." No go. Finally, we realized we have Skyfall, the new James Bond movie. None of us had seen it but all wanted to, so we decided on that.

Not before a 1 A.M. McDonald's run. Did you know Micky D's is a HAPPENIN' place up here at one in the morning? Who knew? Chalk it up to being a college town, I guess. I was so happy to get my fill of some Micky D's fries, a large coke, and the Spicy McChicken sandwiches. Plain, of course. If you haven't tried it, you simply must. It's a gift directly from the fast food gods. Your stomach and intestines may be mad at you about an hour afterwards, but your tastebuds will never not thank you. It's worth the price.

We put in Skyfall at, like, 2:15. We watched it on the big, ghetto, bigscreen tv named Delilah in the boys' apartment. It has huge curvy blue lines in it. I'm pretty sure 2001 called and asked for it back already. Our 18 inch 5 dollar tv from the D.I. would've been better. Oh, well. College life. Slowly, everyone else watching it trickled out to go to bed. Wimps. It came down to just me and corey, until the movie ended around 4:45. The movie, by the way, was fantastic. It's definitely a must-see. I haven't even seen Casino Royale or Quantum Solace yet, and it left me wanting to go watch them for more taste of the Daniel Craig greatness. Go watch it. It is excellent. Anyway, having no sense of self-preservation, we still stayed up for another hour talking. Which brought me to the record for the latest I've stayed up thus far in college: 6 a.m. (Yes, I DID regret that at work the next day. As I'm sure my coworkers did as well, as they dealt with the cranky tired Megan rather than the deliriously tired Megan. ) But it reminded me of many summer nights. Which is why I now suffer from summer fever.

 I didn't realize how much I longed for summer until I found myself giddy with excitement as we were winding our way up and through the canyon for the bonfire. I was even excited to have my clothes wreak of campfire smoke when we got home that night. Or until that run to McDonald's reminded me of countless summer night runs to the Wendy's on 45th in Salt Lake for Frostys and spicy chicken nuggets. Or until I stayed up until 6 in the morning, having absolutely no cares in the world.

Yes, I long for summer. I long for its lazy days and carefree nights, when the world kind of stops for a little while and your only concern is choosing what to do from a long list of choices because the world is yours. I can't wait for campfires and campfire smoke and starry skies and lying in the backyard and morning runs and reading a book underneath the Aspen out front stretched out on a blanket. The fever has set in. Hopefully I don't spread it!

Give me summer nights with good company. And do it soon.

 Brock and Corey and the smolder. 
 my wonderful roommate!
 I LOVE her. 
 Yes, it's normal for Corey not to smile in pictures. he was happy, i swear. least I think he was.


  1. 'member when McDonalds gave you a McChicken with no chicken on it?

  2. How could I forget? That one did not happen in the summer, thank goodness.
