okay I'm good.
Okay, NOW I'm good.
Friday was probably one of my favorite nights of college thus far. Why? AGGIES V. UTES FOOTBALL GAME. That's why.
First off, let's talk about a rollercoaster of emotions that is college life. I'm feelin' good before the game. I was running late so I just met up with my friends at Romney Stadium. Where, by the way, they had been standing for an hour and by the time we were let in we still ended up, like, ten rows from the back of the student section. But it's cool. No matter where you are in the student section, it's a party. But we get in, and I'm laughing having a good time, and then this girl who is in my friends group who quite obviously doesn't like me says a cutting sarcastic remark about me, one which everyone else laughs at.... and boom. Rock bottom. I try to be nice to her and keep myself in conversation, but everything I say is just getting more of those sarcastic and, to everybody else, "funny" comments. So finally, I sit down. The adversary takes his hits with one thought after another. "you can't do anything right" "just go home, no one here will miss you" "your friends don't actually like you" "you don't belong" seriously. And an hour and a half before one of the biggest rivalry games ever ever? What the cuss? Behind my sunglasses, there are a couple tears. Not gonna lie. But because I'm me, I don't let anybody see, nor do I say anything to anyone. I'm known for being happy-go-lucky crazy spazz optimistic me. So I let no one see. I fight through it.
SPOILER ALERT: In the mini battle of Megan vs. Satan, Megan wins.
Because now it's an hour 'til kickoff. I give myself a scolding for being such a baby, put on my free Utah State sweatband some chick was handing out at the entrance, stand up and go back into Me mode. You know what that means?
Yes, I put on a Utes bracelet. I took a picture of it and sent it to the family. I've been a Utes fan my entire life. I assured them I still partially was. Of course, all that went out the window once the game started. I very quickly made the Utes my enemies. Plus, Nick made me take the bracelet off. He took it off my wrist, handed it to me, and said "in your pocket or it disappears forever."
Love ya too buddy.
Okay enough about me. Let's talk about the game here.
MOST INTENSE GAME OF MY LIFE. I almost had a heart attack about five times.
In case you didn't watch it, I'll walk you through. First, Aggies score. BOOM BEBE. 6-0. Student section is a riot. Later, Aggies score again. TAKE THAT UTES. But we miss the kick, so 13-0 instead of 14. (I'm going to skip over missed field goal opportunities and many many missed passes and quite possibly a couple of stupid calls from the refs. because let's be real. that's just every college football game.) I don't remember which came first, the field goal or the touchdown, but before we know it..... The Utes have now tied with us. 13-13. Um, what? NO NO NO. This is the best our football team has been in years and therefore the best opportunity we'll have to beat the Utes. Us students.... we're going insane. And quite honestly we're a little peeved about our players missing easy passed. COME ON OFFENSE. Pull it together for cryin' out loud. It's 3rd quarter now, and no progress is being made. This is that point in the game where everyone is tired. The student section has been standing the entire time. We've come from a day of classes. We've used up all of our energy in first half, and now, we're getting discouraged.
Fourth quarter, Aggies score. Woooooooooo. 20-13. Then that high is gone pretty quick when the Utes score. 20-20. Fourth quarter ends. Now, we go into Overtime. Which, by the way, should not have happened, as we would have been ahead had we not missed the field goal or kick. But BAM. Aggies score!!!!!! Here's the moment of truth. If we can hold the Utes off from scoring, we win the game. And there it is. We hold 'em. WE WON. The student section pours out onto the field, and the facilitators and ushers don't stop us. That's just not a battle they want to fight.
We have beat the Utes for the first time in 13 years. Of course we're gonna rush the field.
Now, it's time to celebrate! So let me tell you about the adventure/mayhem of trying to go out and celebrate in a college town, where the rest of the student population of Utah State is also celebrating.
There's a diner in Logan called Angie's, and they do a thing called "clean the sink." you buy, literally, a sink full of ice-cream. and, well.... clean it. What a naive thing for us to think. We get there (beeteedubs, it was 13 of us in two 5 passenger cars. I ended up in Lexie's trunk) and it's packed. Completely. With no hope of ever getting in. Well, we are also starving. We just want to freaking eat. There's an A&W across the street (that's right. they still have a legit full-on A&W restaurant), so someone suggests we go there but no one approves. So, we start walking. We pass a McDonald's, where a few of us suggest we just go to. It, of course, is crowded as well, just as any place at that time was, but we figured it would go faster. People brush off that idea, too. Cool. so we keep walking. Two of the guys with us are from here, and they keep saying there is nothing for at least another eight blocks, but nobody listens. but, some of us (myself included) are just really hungry. The two guys suggest we really just backtrack and go to McDonald's. Our friends tell us we should just split up and call each other when we're leaving. So five of us head in the direction of McDonald's. Me and one of the guys, tired, hungry, and very very hyper, run ahead of the other three and get in line, which is wrapped all the way around the restaurant. We're there for probably ten minutes, and move maybe a foot in line. A foot. That's it. Until a girl from our group pokes her head in and says "we're going to Papa Johns sooo... come if you don't want to get left." So we follow, saying to each other "would Papa Johns really be open at 11:30?"
Let me answer that for you. It's not.
So we walk to Papa Johns and see that it's closed. This is about forty five minutes after we had arrived at Angie's. Then someone goes "we really should just go to A&W. It wasn't that crowded."
Oh sure. NOW everyone agrees. We are the most dysfunctional group of people I have ever met. (don't worry. i still love us.)
So we go to A&W. Me and this guy once again have run ahead of the group so we're the first of our group to order.
Well, I step up to order.... and realize. I left my wallet at home.
I left my wallet at home.
I give the two local boys who are closest to me in line a look of total shock and disappointment and tell one of them to order. The other asks what's wrong, and I say I forgot my wallet. BLESS HIS SOUL, the guy with me offers to pay for mine. I probably legit would have cried. That's how insanely hungry I was, no joke.
A&W by the way, has the most scrumptious food. And if you ever go, you HAVE to get a Freeze. That was my first experience having one, and it is out of this world. Do it. Just go. Quit reading this. And go to A&W. Right now. And have a Freeze. Do it. Just go.
Welcome back! How was it?
So, we go back to the dorms where the two local boys jam out on guitar and sing because they're both so talented it's kind of sick. And the rest of us sit there and enjoy feeling inferior.
All in all, it was a fantastic night. Followed by an overall fantastic weekend.
College really is the best. I have met so many amazing people and friends and I'm so happy I made the decision to come here. I don't think I belong anywhere else. I love my Aggies. I love Logan, and I just love life. It really is just the best, no?
Let's end on a really good note here:
Show me a Scotsman who doesn't love the thistle.
Show me an Englishman who doesn't love the rose.
Show me a true-blooded Aggie from Utah
Who doesn't love the spot (clap clap)
Where the sagebrush growwwwwwssssss.
~just megsie
Here is a little fun fact for you. My Mom was the girlfriend to the little brother of whom your AGGIES field is named after. Yeah they were in elementary school but still...that is pretty cool!