Monday, June 24, 2013

Blog Challenge: Day 2

The meaning behind your blog name. 

Hey there, invisible readers. Cuttin' it a little close this time, but that's just how I like to do things. I am barely getting Day 2 in, just in the nick of time.

There are very few people who have stayed up-to-date on my blog since I started it almost a year ago. Those few know that my blog title has changed at least four times that I can remember. I don't know, I just couldn't ever decide.

Well, I've finally landed on one that not only captures the essence of me, but happens to just make me super giddy. So I think I'm going to stick with it.

"Second Star to the Right" 

I think everyone who grew up on Disney automatically hears the words "second star to the right, and straight on 'til morning!" said in Peter Pan's voice. I know I do.

Well, I have always loved Peter Pan. It's my favorite Disney movie, my all-time favorite story, and one of my top five fav rides in Disneyland (I can only do a top 5 because choosing one is just way too hard.) Why my love for Peter Pan, you ask? Well, let me tell you.

First off, I just love the idea that happy thoughts make you fly. The pixie dust is nothing without the happy thoughts. I think that's one of the best lessons anyone can learn. Happy thoughts make you fly. Simple as that.

I love the idea of Neverland. Not necessarily because I never want(ed) to grow up. Nope. I like the idea of a place where things can stay the same. In life, everything is always change. Some is for the good. New jobs. Marriage. Having kids. Graduating college. Moving to a bigger house. Some is not so good. Loved ones die. Friends betray you. Your heart gets broken. You break hearts. All of these milestones in life have one thing in common: they all include change.

Now, I've always been a big believer in the good in change. But as I've grown, I've learned that there are some things that just need to stay the same. Compassion needs to remain. Love needs to remain. Ambition. Family. Friendship. While components of those things may change, the things themselves are better left unchanging. They must be in a constant state of Neverland. Dreams, that's a big one. Dreams should stay the same. They can grow. They can mold. But they shouldn't change, if they're worthwhile and good.

And how do you keep them in Neverland? How do you find them if that's where they are?

Well, you head towards that second star to the right.

That little star leads to a land of pirates, mermaids, love, friendship, magic, and dreams come true. Yes, it's fictional. But does all of it really have to be? I sure don't think so. I don't think Neverland could exist without that star. While Neverland never changes, that star changes lives....if those lives choose to follow it.

And not just for a couple hours. Not just until midnight. Nope.

You gotta follow it straight on 'til morning.

So put on your best nightgown, sprinkle some pixie dust, think good thoughts, and fly. Second star to the right, and....well, you know the rest.

~just megsie

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea it was your fav movie! Good thing you have this blog so I can learn more about my baby sis :)
