Monday, November 12, 2012


i know this one may seem a little cliche', but I just LOVE my friends: the ones back home and the ones I've met up here. Now, I don't have a ton of close friends up here, but patience has led me to finding some pretty good ones. Like my roommate, for example, Brooke. Through the course of the semester we've gotten pretty close. tonight we went to McDonald's and watched 500 Days of Summer. Which you need to go watch if you haven't yet. Go. Right now. It's phenomenal. Same with my other roommate, Michaela. I love hanging out with them and talking to them. There's also Annie, Shanae and Hannah, two of which I went trick-or-treating with on Halloween. Awww yeah. And they're the ones I'll be rooming with next semester. I'm pretty stoked!

Then of course there are my friends back home, who I've talked enough about. Annie, Paige, Kayla, Jared, Greg, Hunter..... they're all my rocks. And though Jared is on his mission now, I still feel that way.

they've all gotten me through a lot. they've stayed me friend even when i was in some pretty dark places. they make me laugh on my worst days. they help me remember who i am. they listen always, and offer advice when needed. but also if needed, sometimes they just listen.

today, i'm thankful for good friends who make me laugh 'til i can't breathe and get me through.

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